What is a mass intention?
An ancient practice, a mass intention is a specific reason or purpose for which a mass is offered to God. It could be in recognition of someone living or deceased, in gratitude or thanksgiving, for blessings, for a soul or for a special occasion...God conveys special graces upon the subject of the intention. Instead of only our personal prayer interceding to God, the prayers of all those at the liturgy intercede on behalf of the intention'.
Is there a donation involved?
Yes, a donation is customary and goes to the support of the church. As it is a donation, the amount is up to you. When making your donation, please be sure to put Mass Intention and the name of the person for whom the mass is offered on the outside of the envelope.. You may place the envelope in the collection basket or drop it off at the office.
How do I request a mass intention?
You can contact Brenda Fincher by phone or email, or, fill out the request form below: